Two Confederation Models, One Common Aim:
Can Israel and Palestine Form Two Cooperative States in One Open Land?
Over the past few years, the idea of an Israeli-Palestinian confederation has gradually been gaining momentum – as well as mainstream adherents. Many now believe a confederative approach, while facing its own obstacles, could help overcome the immense difficulties inherent in the traditional two-state solution.
On Thursday, September 29 , we’re joined by representatives of two different confederation models, A Land for All - Two States One Homeland, founded in 2012, and the Holy Land Confederation, which debuted earlier this year. Our expert panelists discussed where they agree and where they differ on such complex issues as security and the military, immigration policy, Jerusalem, and the status of the Israeli settlers and settlements in Occupied Territory. With us were:
- Awni al-Mashni, Co-Founder of A Land for All, analyst and writer
- Meron Rapoport, Co-Founder of A Land for All, journalist and translator
- Dr. Hiba Husseini, Co-Head of the Holy Land Confederation, Palestinian attorney and veteran peace negotiator
- Dr. Yossi Beilin, Co-Head of the Holy Land Confederation, former Israeli Justice Minister