In an all-too brief segment on National Public Radio’s Morning Edition, Wed., Nov. 7, our chaver and fellow blogger, Hillel Schenker, was featured commenting on why President Obama’s reelection is good for Israel. He was actually interviewed a day or two prior to the election.
In the meantime, Emily Hauser blogs skeptically on Open Zion, “This Election: Good for the Jews?” While she in no way endorsed Romney, and retains a hope that Pres. Obama can make progress toward a two-state solution, her piece rings with disappointment:
… despite all the protestations from all sides of the Democratic map that [Obama] really, really loves Israel, just look at how much military aid he’s given!—that he’s done much good for Israel. On the contrary: In allowing the conflict to drag on for four more bloody, settlement-heavy years, President Obama has done an active disservice to American security interests, American foreign policy goals, Israel’s long-term viability, and (it bears mentioning) the Palestinian people.
Our chaver and board chair Theo Bikel sent out the following analysis from the Reuters news service:
Obama Re-Election Spells Trouble For Netanyahu
JERUSALEM, Nov 7 (Reuters) – Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu faces an even more awkward time with Washington and re-energised critics at home who accused him on Wednesday of backing the loser in the U.S. presidential election. …
[Read the rest online.]
And for a right-wing reaction from Jerusalem, one can read Isi Liebler’s latest column, “Post-Election Musings In the Wake of Obama’s Victory.”
Thanks for sharing, Great website