The Israel-Palestine Virtual Symposium Spring 2024

The Israel-Palestine Virtual Symposium Spring 2024 2024-06-21T14:59:10-04:00

In the past six months, Israel has undergone a painful shift as the horror and devastation of the October 7th Hamas terror attacks have given way to a brutal war in the Gaza Strip alongside an escalating situation in the West Bank, and the overall erosion of democratic norms. Now more than ever, it is essential for progressives to come together and hear directly from those on the ground working to ensure a peaceful and just Israel for the future. 

Part Two of Partners for Progressive Israel’s fourth virtual symposium, Spring 2024, will take place on four Sundays during the period beginning May 5th and ending on June 23rd. You will find the program topics and descriptions below. As in earlier symposia, two two-hour sessions will be held on each of the Sundays, with 90 minutes devoted to a panel of speakers engaging in dialogue with participants and the final half-hour dedicated to participants reflecting on what had just transpired. Participants will be on camera during the entire time, thus able to pose questions directly to presenters. In this post-October 7th period, these sessions take one added importance. We hope you will join us! 

General Information

4th Annual Digital Symposium – Spring 2024 will take place via Zoom over eight, two- hour sessions (from 11am – 1pm ET & 1:30pm – 3:30pm ET) on four Sundays:

 • May 5                   • May 19
• June 2                  • June 23

To allow for substantive discussion, each session will be limited to 50 participants and will be divided as follows:

  • 45-minute presentations by the invited guest speakers
• 45-minute direct Q&A conversation with the speakers
• 30-minute discussion among Symposium participants

Registration and Sponsorship

Space is limited to 50 participants per session.
We recommend signing up early to secure your spot! 
Session fees are for Spring 2024 only.

**Please note that some participants chose to register for both the Fall 2023 and Spring 2024 Symposium Sessions, and have been notified that they are already registered for the upcoming Spring sessions.

$120 – Full Symposium (8 Spring sessions)
$20   – Individual session


Sponsorship Information
The cost to host the 4th Digital Israel-Palestine Symposium is greater than these fees will cover. Support this important and timely program by becoming a Sponsor today. As a Sponsor, you can attend all 8 Symposium sessions, plus access links (for a limited time). You will also be acknowledged at each session, in our promotional materials, e-blasts, social media and on our website!


Partners for Progressive Israel Thanks the Following Friendship Circle Sponsors for Their Generous Support of the 2024 Spring Virtual Symposium:

Nancy Bernstein
Ayala Emmett
Mark Gold
Claude Goldenberg
Annette and Rabbi Mel Gottlieb
Bill Hochhausen
Rabbi Andrea London
Karen Shapiro
Mark Zivin

We also wish to thank our promotional sponsors, including:

T’ruah: the Rabbinic Call for Human Rights

New York Jewish Agenda

Home - New York Jewish Agenda - Voice of the Jewish Community


Session Descriptions

Space is limited to 50 participants per session. We recommend signing up early to secure your spot!  Each day there will be two, 2-hour sessions from 11am – 1pm ET & 1:30pm – 3:30pm ET

1. Post-October 7th: Trauma (May 5th)

A. Devastation in Gaza

Members of NGOs working to support civilians in Gaza will speak about the Hamas-Israel War, including the humanitarian crisis on the ground.
    ** CONFIRMED PANELISTS: Tania Hary, Executive Director of Gisha, Aseel Abu-Rass, Director of the OPT Department of Physicians for Human Rights, and Yael Noy, Chief Executive of Road to Recovery **
B. “Every Day Is October 7th”: Israeli Responses
Representatives from civil society will attest to the traumatization of the Israeli psyche.
** CONFIRMED PANELISTS: Maty Danzig, Hostage Family Member and Activist, Dr. Mazen Abu Siam, Rahat City Council Member, and Arno and Sharone Lifschitz, Hostage Family Members and Activists **

2. Toward Healing (May 19th)

A. Ways a Wounded Israel Begins to Heal

In the wake of the October 7th massacre and the ensuing war, Israelis will discuss healing strategies.

** CONFIRMED PANELISTS: Nitsan Joy Gordon, Author, Activist, and Co-Founder of Together Beyonds Words, Prof. Avner Ben Amos, Board Member of the Negev Coexistence Forum, and Orit Sulitzeanu, Director of ARCCI (The Association of Rape Crisis Centers in Israel) **

B. How Are Palestinian and Jewish Israelis Finding Hope for Healing?

Trust between Israeli Jews and Palestinians has been tested by the events of October 7th and the war that followed. How are Palestinian & Jewish Israelis coming together to restore belief in shared society?

** CONFIRMED PANELISTS: Mohammad Darawshe and Dikla Tomer, of Givat Haviva, and Samah Salaime and Nir Sharon, Co-Directors of Educational Institutions at Neve Shalom Wahat al-Salam** 

3. Rethinking Security for Two Peoples (June 2nd)

A. What Does “Security” Mean for Israelis and Palestinians in a Post-War Era?

Security is an essential key to moving forward. Experts will discuss how the Hamas-Israel war has reshaped the meaning of security for the long term. What can be done to stop the settler violence on the West Bank?

** CONFIRMED PANELISTS: Arielle Gordon, Director of International Relations at Human Rights Defenders Fund, and Guy Hirschfeld and Oded Paporisch, Leading Activists with Looking the Occupation in the Eye**

B. Israeli and Palestinian Electoral Landscapes

What’s next for the two governments, including the prospect of new elections? What are possibilities for new leadership at this critical time?

** CONFIRMED PANELISTS: Hillel Schenker, Co-Editor of the Palestine-Israel Journal, Thair Abu-Ras, PhD Candidate at the University of Maryland, and Avshalom “Abu” Vilan, Former Member of Knesset and Economist**

4: Moving Toward Palestinian Statehood (June 23rd)

A.  Peacebuilding in Two Societies

Leaders will discuss the feasibility of a two-state solution given the current landscape.

** CONFIRMED PANELISTS: Sam Bahour, Co-founder & Emeritus Member of Americans for a Vibrant Palestinian Economy (A4VPE) and independent Director at the Arab Islamic Bank P.L.C., Gadi Baltiansky, Israeli Director General and Nidal Foqaha, Palestinian Director General at the Geneva Initiative.**

B. Confederation: Progress Toward Reconciliation

Israelis and Palestinian leaders will speak about a paradigm shift in conflict resolution: embracing partnership. They will sketch an outline of what two states/one homeland might look like.

** CONFIRMED PANELISTS: Dr. Rula Hardal, Co-Executive Director of A Land for All, and Avi Dabush, Board Member of A Land for All and Executive Director of Rabbis for Human Rights **