2009 Election Resources

2009 Election Resources

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2009 Election Resources

Background, polls, platforms and analysis


1. Israel’s Election System

EmblemIsrael’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs offers a comprehensive breakdown of the entire election process.

Israel’s official website for the Knesset also has a summary of the election process.


2. Polls

Maariv poll Click here to for a table in English of the most recent election polls in the Jerusalem Post

Click here for a table in Hebrew of the most popular election polls in Uzit



 3. Party Platforms
Meretz-New Movement

The New Movement-Meretz
Website:- HebrewPlatform in English
Leader: Haim ORON
KadimaSeats won in last election: 5

Website:- Hebrew
Leader: Tzipora (“Tzipi”) LIVNI
Seats won in last election: 29 Likud

Website:- EnglishHebrew
Leader: Benjamin NETANYAHU
Seats won in last election: 12

Website:- Hebrew
Leader: Ehud BARAK
Seats won in last election: 19Shas

Website:- Hebrew
Leader: Eliyahu (“Eli”) YISHAI
Seats won in last election: 12

Yisrael Beytenu
Website:- EnglishYisael Beiteinu
Leader: Avigdor LIEBERMAN
Seats won in last election: 11

Gil – The Pensioners Party
Website:- English (Knesset website)Gil
Leader: Rafael “Rafi” EITAN
Seats won in last election: 7

United Torah Judaism
Website:- English (Knesset website)United Torah Judaism
Leader: Yaakov LITZMAN
Seats won in last election: 6

Website:- Hebrew
Leader: Muhammad BARAKEH
Seats won in last election: 3

United Arab List- Arab Renewal Movement (UAL-ARM) / Reshima Aravit Meuhedet- Tnu’a Aravit LeHithadshut (Ra’am-Ta’al)
Website:- English (Knesset website)
Leader: Ibrahim SARSUR
Seats won in last election: 4Balad

Leader: Jamal ZAHALKA
Seats won in last election: 3

National Union-Moledet (Ichud Leumi)
Website:- English – Hebrew
Leader: Ya’akov Katz (“Ketzeleh”)
Seats won in last election: 9 National Union

The Jewish Home
Website:- Hebrew
Leader: Daniel HERSHKOVITZ
Seats won in last election: N/A
(ran as part of National Union party)

Green Movement – Meimad
MeimadWebsite:- EnglishHebrew
Leader: Rabbi Michael Melchior
(Meimad ran with Labor in last election)

Website:- Hebrew

Israel Hazaka
Website:- EnglishHebrew

Green LeafGreen Leaf (Ale Yarok)
Website:- Hebrew

Koah HaKesef
Website:- Hebrew

The GreensThe Greens – HaYerukim
Website:- EnglishHebrew

Lev LaOlim

Brit Olam

Justice for All


Yisrael HaMihadeshet



4. Analysis

(News and analysis of the upcoming Israeli Elections from the Israeli and International Press)

Gideon Levy: Let Netanyahu win – Haaretz

Ari Shavit: Why the Israeli voter is turning right – Haaretz

Yossi Sarid: Who can stop fascism in Israel? – Haaretz

The idea of voting green turns brown around the edges  – Haaretz

Cease-fire in place, Israeli politicians can now take pot shots at each other – JTA

Haaretz-Dialog poll: Extreme right party overtakes Labor in elections forecast – Haaretz

Truth, lies and Obama / Contending Israeli parties kick off TV campaigns – Haaretz

Yossi Verter: The Israeli non-debate – Haaretz

Netanyahu: Iran nukes trump global economy -AP

Shas to endorse Likud’s Netanyahu as next prime minister – Haaretz

Kadima kicks off campaign with threat to assassinate Hamas chiefs – Haaretz

Israeli Election Watch: Poll says Kadima gaining, smoking pot for Holocaust survivors – JTA

Israeli election campaign heats up – JTA

By | 2010-07-22T20:46:14-04:00 July 22nd, 2010|Blog, Israeli Government, Israeli Left|0 Comments

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